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Who We Are

Llano County Republican Party

We are a volunteer organization that is composed of our Republican County Chair, Jessica McRee-Grabert, and nine Precinct Chairs. The County Chair and Precinct Chairs are elected by popular vote at the Republican Primary Election held in March of each even-numbered years. Voters residing in each of the county’s voting precincts elect their respective Precinct Chairs. Officers are either elected or appointed according to CEC bylaws. Ex Officio members of the CEC include the SREC members of the county’s SDs and appointed Party officers. In even number years, Senatorial District Conventions are held in Llano County to elect Delegates to the Republican Party of Texas (RPT) state convention and to pass resolutions that may be included in the RPT platform.

Together, the Republican Party of Llano County is committed to increasing transparency to our elections, facilitating fair primaries, and electing Republicans in elections. We want to grow the party through education, letting others know what Republican values are. We are dedicated to all the good people of Llano County, Texas

THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 2025, is the LAST DAY to register to vote for the May Joint General Election!

Your Application for Ballot by Mail expires on December 31st of EACH year and you must reapply every year.

You can call the Llano County Elections office and request an application or print one by clicking here.

Find your poll place…. My Voter Portal (

Friday, February 14th, 2025, by 5:00pm -Last Day to File!